
Mar 6, 2009

Windsor and Newton WC mediums

Blogspot removed all the peopel i follow, it was very annoying. Cant remember the names of half the peoples I followed blogs D:
What am I missing in peoples blogs because of this glitch!
The injustice!

Anyhoo, in the staffroom today was a cool book by Windsor and Newton, it was called "The Oil Colour book" and it was all about the compnay, their history, how they make the oil colours, the differences bettween all their brands (IE Winton as compared to Windsor and newton artist colours), and all that kinda stuff!
it was so awesome, so I've got my boss trying to find if they have a watercolour version of that book to send us. Apparently Windsor and Newton has an awesome rep and he can probably get it for me if it exists.

For now though, I got some pamphlets from the filing cabnit at work with some articles and things. I even found a colour chart too, which is awesome! I've been wanting a colour chart for a while!!
and in one pamphlet they had a picture of how their tubes looked over the years! Of course I shall share it with you!

I also grabbed a pamphlet on their mediums and while I knew about most of them I learned about a new one called Aquapasto!
Basically it's kind of impasto Medium for Watercolours.

It's not quite like and impasto medium as you would think about it though. It actually just stops colours from blending together. I think It would be something that I'd like to try and Im gonna see if I can find some in an art store somewhere. First I'll check Opus though, though I am sure they dont have it but it's worth a shot. If I cant find it their or at any other local art stores, I'll see if I can get it special ordered from opus. With Special orders though, I dont get my discount and they can take forever and sometimes theres a minimum order requirement. Last resort would be dickblick I guess.

I posted a scan of the pamphlet article for you to read if you want.
I wouldnt mind hearing if anyones used it before and what they think =)
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